Greenland 606 Centre Greenland 606 Centre Woods Bagot’s vision for Greenland Centre was to develop a creative social retail hub. The distinctive interior design and strategy seeks to deliver new retail concepts alongside entertainment and experiences that go beyond shopping, appeal to the young generation of shoppers and address the future of retail.
Bloomberg Shanghai HQ Bloomberg Shanghai HQ The front lane of China and the back lane to Shanghai, this office’s experience embodies the core values of the company whilst showcasing it’s Shanghai spirit.
Sydney Central Station Sydney Central Station This historic hub forms the backbone of the Sydney metropolitan rail network.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Axle at South Eveleigh Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Axle at South Eveleigh A Forward-Thinking Workplace Prioritizing Technology and Innovation
St. Mary’s Calne School Library St. Mary’s Calne School Library New Library for Girls Boarding School Completes the Campus’ Heart.
Dahua 1935 Dahua 1935 Transformation of the historic Xi’an textile mill into a world-class entertainment and retail destination.