After laying conspicuously dormant for 30 years, 88 O’Connell has broken ground this week, marking the beginning of the catalyst project that will transform the site into an outward focused mixed-use precinct.
Anoop Menon, Thomas Masullo, Bradley Davey, Rosina Di Maria, Waleed Moughraby, Rani Elmer, Caitlin Lynch, and Kyle Machin
The development comprises of a mix of apartments, commercial suites and retail spaces perched atop an articulated podium structure. A mix of highly crafted apartments will be incorporated across three towers; orientated to capture views of Adelaide’s city, coast and hills. The unique podium will form the project’s urban identity and connect the development with the broader public realm.
“I feel an enormous sense of responsibility here, not simply as the designer, but also as a resident of North Adelaide,” says project principal Rosina Di Maria. “That responsibility is in regenerating North Adelaide, giving it the future that it deserves.”
The landmark site presents a much-anticipated opportunity to build upon Adelaide’s ‘First Suburb’ and further establish the City of Adelaide as one of the world’s most live-able cities.
Brisbane, Australia
25 Feb 25
21 Feb 25
Byron Bay, Australia
Sydney, Australia
New York, New York
12 Feb 25