
    Through our Global Impact Group, Woods Bagot integrates sustainability principles into our work and creates measurable impact through the lens of climate emergency.

    Dahua 1935, China

    Climate Playbook

    Woods Bagot publishes an annual report, the Climate Playbook, that encompasses our Environmental, Social, and Governance initiatives as a sustainability action plan. The Playbook includes our commitments to Architects Declare and the American Institute of Architects’ 2030 Challenge, as well as broader goals associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

    Talk to Richard Fenne, Director and Sustainability Leader about our Climate Playbook

    Re-Charge LA

    Western Sydney International Airport


    We are measuring our work by

    woods bagot arrow Passive Design First

    woods bagot arrow Performance-driven

    woods bagot arrow Innovation

    woods bagot arrow Design with Nature

    Leading Sustainable Design
    Mixed Use


    Masdar City, Abu Dhabi