Masdar is a leader in sustainability and clean energy. The MC2 project will continue to add to Masdar’s impressive collection of sustainable projects and will become the new benchmark for sustainable workplace campuses.
The masterplan of MC2 combines the ‘Masdar Building Grid’ and the ‘Environmental Grid’ to shape a bespoke campus. At the intersection of these grids lies a rich design scheme that creates a sculpted public realm that is shaded from the harsh desert sun and gently cooled with breezes and a series of sustainable commercial office buildings.
Talk to Richard Fenne about Mixed Use
We set out to create an attitude, a way to work, a movement – more than architecture. What followed is an innovative campus that places wellness and sustainability at the centre of every element. The MC2 design is defined by the Masdar City vision – vibrant, connected to light, air and renewable energy, sheltered from the sun, cooled by the winds, authentic, earthy, and a place to push the boundaries of sustainable workplaces.
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15 Jan 24
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