Human scale and local materiality are at the core of the Woods Bagot-led designs for METRONET’s Morley-Ellenbrook line, with a second station design revealed to the public today.
METRONET’s Morley-Ellenbrook Line creates 21km of new track, connecting the northeastern suburbs and Perth CBD. Five new integrated station precincts will link various places of character and landscape along the unique Perth Swan Coastal Plain.
As if chapters in a story, the design approach positions each station within a line-wide narrative while also allowing each of the five precincts to possess its own identity and unique elements.
Talk to Kukame McPierzie about Rail
The project is the biggest METRONET project to get underway, and is the most significant expansion of the rail network since the Mandurah Line was built in 2007 – comprising 21 kilometres of rail line connecting the city’s north-eastern suburbs with the Perth CBD. Five new stations and precincts will be constructed at Morley, Noranda, Malaga, Whiteman Park and Ellenbrook. Conceived and designed as a catalyst for 5,000 hectares of redevelopment across the metropolitan area, this new line will create desirable places of expansion into new precincts of Perth’s northern corridor. The stations are tied together through a common design language and a line-wide identity, while each also speaks to its context – reflecting local character and aesthetics and catering to the specificities of their communities.
The approach to design combines functional requirements – the need to deliver efficiently and cost effectively – and the desire to create a built environment that is sensitive to the local culture and environment. A high degree of commonality between stations is ensured through a modular design and kit-of-parts approach. This modularity has permitted the standardisation of components (where appropriate) to maximise efficiency of construction.
Human scale, efficient planning, safe and naturally lit spatial qualities engage visitors at each station. The patterns of the ground plane and new public spaces echo the patterned geology and qualities of the Swan Coastal Plain, as well as the folded geometry of suburban communities. In and around the new stations, existing landscapes are augmented and enriched to create shady and comfortable public spaces. Stations and precincts are generously configured to become a focus for community; to become the civic or community hub incrementally with the development of precincts.
The Morley-Ellenbrook Line represents the most significant expansion of the rail network since the Mandurah Line was built in 2007
Set to play a big part in WA’s COVID-19 economic recovery by creating more than 6,500 local jobs, the Morley-Ellenbrook Line will connect thousands of people along Perth’s north-eastern corridor, crafting a seamless journey from Ellenbrook to the Perth CBD in less than 30 minutes.
Designed in collaboration with architects Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick and landscape architects TCL and UDLA, Woods Bagot have been working as the lead design consultant and proactive partner in the MELconnx Consortium led by Laing O’Rourke Australia.
Ellenbrook Station under construction.
“The overall architectural design, form, scale and presence of Ballajura Station is unique to its location while still in keeping with the line wide narrative and design approach,”
Ballajura Station—located to the east of Tonkin Highway, north of Marshall Road and west of Beechboro Road in the suburb of Malaga — is the embodiment of the line-wide design tenets.
Ballajura Station render.
“We are delighted to continue our strong working relationship with Laing O’Rourke forged while working together on Sydney Central Station and energized by the MELconnx Consortium’s focus and commitment to creating the best possible outcome for the people of Perth,”
Artwork by Marcia McGuire and Penelope Forlano
‘The Unity of Life’ – ceramic print on glass
Artwork by Nathan Corunna and Darren Hutchens
‘Karla Nara Gynning Bidi (Ellenbrook Track)’ – acrylic paint
Artwork by Marcia McGuire
‘Maarakool (with the hands)’ – perforated steel screen
Explore more METRONET public art
“Railway stations are important civic places. These will be distinctive, safe and inviting settings for the gathering and movement of people. Our team will create precincts that are sensitive to the local culture and environment – commuters will be able to find their way easily and enjoy being in the space.”
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