State-of-the-art simulated learning facility targets skills shortages in health, community services and trades in Melbourne’s west.
Sunshine Skills Hub is serving western Melbourne’s developing communities and supports workers transitioning from a declining manufacturing-based economy into new jobs. The building’s design focuses on the practical side of learning and complements the university’s trade training centre with courses designed to develop work-ready graduates in construction technologies, advanced manufacturing and health technologies, as well as health and community services.
Talk to Sarah Ball about Education and Science
Purposefully designed to give students learning opportunities in simulation environments, the facility is fully equipped with a range of specialised teaching equipment including virtual reality goggles, robots and computerised mannequins to replicate real-life scenarios.
Nursing and community health labs, learning studios, and simulation hospital wards are provided for students studying paramedics, early childhood care, and counselling.
The Skills Hub presents a new and important connection between Sunshine Campus and Ballarat Road. Designed with effectively ‘no back’, the Skills Hub addresses both adjoining street frontages and the existing campus buildings. The sawtooth facade references the sawtooth roofs of the historic Sunshine Harvester works, and the orientation also provides thermal comfort with protection from the east and west sun.
05 Jul 24
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27 Sep 23
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02 May 23